

Chino Police Department Officer Shauna Hill helped a homeless woman who was living in her car, move into an apartment, with the help of the Chino Police Officers' Foundation.

Helen Yankowsky lost her home 3 years ago and has been living in her vehicle ever since. Officers working patrol recognize Helen as the kind-hearted woman who stays in her green 4-door Mercedes at the Chino Towne Center, behind 24-hour fitness. Officer Evans established a relationship with Helen a couple of years ago and was recently informed Helen was on a waiting list (3 years) for an apartment through a senior citizen government subsidized housing plan.
Officer Shauna Hill
On Sunday, July 22 Helen informed Officer Evans she received a phone call that an apartment was located for her in the Twin Peaks area. Helen was elated with the news but had several obstacles to overcome. All of Helen’s belongings were in a storage facility in Ontario and she did not have the funding or the physical capacities to move her belongings over such a distance. Officer Evans took it upon herself to help Helen and made several contacts within the department and the Chino community. The Russ Miller Foundation donated five hundred dollars for the rental of a U-Haul truck. Chuck Donaghho and Brian Baughman with the Chino Faith Based Assistance Program jumped in to help with volunteers to move Helen’s belongings.

On Saturday July 28th, everyone met at the storage facility and loaded up the U-Haul truck with all of Helen’s belongings. They arrived at Helen’s apartment in Twin Peaks and offloaded Helen’s belongings. Officer Evans and her family stayed and helped Helen get situated by unpacking boxes and hooking up the cable/TV. Officer Evans realized Helen did not possess a bed so she and her husband purchased Helen a bed/frame and set it up for her. Before leaving Officer Evans and her family went grocery shopping for Helen. Needless to say, Helen was overwhelmed with everyone’s generosity and said, “Words cannot define my thankfulness and may the Lord bless you for saving my life” to Officer Evans and her family.


We're thankful for every penny donated to our foundation, and we put those funds to good use.

Approximately 95% of donations go back to the community, with 5% of donations used in the operation and management of the foundation.

Your donation makes a difference in people's lives.